

Night “Off”

No opera for me tonight; I’m focused on the ampersand part of my job, backstage right with the National Symphony Orchestra, listening to Distant Worlds: music from Final Fantasy. Is this genre a new part of the symphonic pops “long tail”?  It’s not Mahler, but it certainly can hold its own next to the decades-old

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The Vibe in the House

On Sunday afternoon, we turned the theatre over to our studio singers, fellows and interns.  75 minutes of scenes from 7 operas in 4 languages were sung, played, supertitled, and stage-managed by folks whose average age couldn’t have topped 23.  The rest of us cheered, enjoyed, and did the best we could at house management. 

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Washingtonian features Kenneth Kellogg

Jul7 27, 2010 Washingtonian features Kenneth Kellogg This month’s Washingtonian magazine features a terrific article on Kenneth Kellogg, who grew up in D.C. and has returned home to make debuts at Wolf Trap Opera and Washington National Opera this season. Click here to download the full article.

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Studio Spotlight!

The Wolf Trap Opera Studio takes the stage of The Barns tomorrow for scenes from The Merry Wives of Windsor, The Barber of Seville, Turando, Love for Three Oranges, The Daughter of the Regiment, Iphigenie en Tauride, and West Side Story! (Photos from Friday’s dress rehearsal)

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Fusion: Vocal Colors

FUSION (noun):  a merging of diverse, distinct, or separate elements into a unified whole Etymology: from fusus, pp. of fundere “pour, melt” Thursday was all about melding music and visual art.  Melting the colors in the art until they became harmonies, words, and melodies.  Pouring the music back into the paintings until they became wholly

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Fall 2010 on the Audition Trail!

This fall’s audition tour dates and locations have been determined.  The online application and other details will be available by August 10, but here are the dates and deadlines for planning purposes.  All sites and dates are options for Filene Young Artist and Studio Artist auditions, as well as Fellowship interviews. DEADLINE: SEPTEMBER 24 New

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The Song Recipe

The process of preparing an opera is largely additive. Learn the role inside-out, annotate and memorize.  Then show up for rehearsal.  Add blocking, props, costumes, sets, orchestra.  Amplify and enhance until the glorious whole is bigger than the sum of its many complicated parts. Present to an audience primed for being transported out and away

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Tony & Maria and Romeo & Juliette

Well, actually, it was David & Ashlyn and Nathaniel & Hana who got to spend last evening with the amazing National Symphony Orchestra, bringing bits and pieces of the Romeo and Juliet musical legend to the stage.  To the approximately-115-degree stage of the Filene Center.  But even the current heat wave didn’t dampen the enthusiasm

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They Grow Up So Fast

I’m a mother.  Of two grown children.  And although I work consciously to keep that part of my identity separate from my work, there is the inevitable overlap. I unfortunately have little patience for educators/administrators/mentors who take their roles to a maternal (or paternal) extreme, treating students and other younger people on their watch as

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