

The Things We Do For Love: 2015

Presidents Day 2015, 3:50pm. Watching the snow roll in, getting ready for a trip to LA Opera on Wednesday (can you say “75 degrees and sunny?”), and musing on the operas in WTO’s 2015 season, a.k.a. The Things We Do For Love”… Defy Authority When your boss has his eye on your wife, you do everything

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Save the Dates!

We are in the midst of planning a knock-out 2015 season, and I can’t wait to share the news at the end of January. In the meantime, even though repertoire and casting details for next summer aren’t available yet, I am happy to share our performance dates for your consideration as you plan your opera festival and

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All I Want for Christmas is Some Aria Stats…

OK, you’ve all been very very good this year, so Santa is bringing you exactly what you wanted. That’s right – this fall’s ARIA FREQUENCY LISTS are finally uploaded. Head on over to the Aria page if you are nerdy enough to want to compare this year’s against previous seasons’ lists. Or just scroll down to

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We Are Ten

On November 3, this little blog turned 10 years old. I’ve overshot the birthday celebrations by an entire month, but they’ve had to take a back seat to the frenzied assemblage of our 2015 season. (Announcement not forthcoming until the end of January, but I’ll get some save-the-date information out before Christmas.) Today, a look

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End of the Road

We’re home at The Barns, and I continue to fall down on the blogging job. :( The fatigue is increasingly overwhelming as we push toward the audition tour finish line tomorrow at 6pm! Of course, the finish line is just another term for the starting gate for the repertoire and casting process. Wish us luck as we

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Halloween Hodgepodge

I’m on audition hiatus for a weekend, visiting my son in Seattle (where the Halloween costumes on Capitol Hill are quite entertaining:)) It’s been over a month since my last day away from either audition arias or recital prep, and I am overdue for a recharge. Many are the reasons for which I look forward to our

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High Risk Arias!

Our Chicago week was spent in a lovely room with natural light at Pianoforte Studios on S. Michigan. The staff was terrific, the acoustics was blessedly neutral, and we were surrounded by keyboard instruments. (There’s a Grotrian Steinweg under wraps in the far right corner of the photo; it’s the twin of my piano at

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Our Box

A silly post, to occupy us as we try to escape Cincinnati. (Booked on one flight, standby on another, delayed on both, waited on the tarmac, now have been banished back to the terminal…) Having failed at trying to get here by plane, we embarked on a 8-hour road trip. Tried to rent a small

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