Posts Categorized: Blog

The Road to 2017: From the Marathon to the Math

The singing is over, and the work has begun. The Marathon: Audition Tour By the Numbers 21 days on the road 822 arias heard (at an average of 4 minutes per aria, that’s 55 hours; roughly 4 Ring cycles.) 10,344 miles traveled 9 airplanes, 2 rental cars, dozens of cabs and Ubers 95,724 words written as audition

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The Road to 2017: Houston

We love Houston, and its auditions are always a game-changer for us. A bonus this week was dress rehearsal of the HGO Elixir of Love, which featured 4 Trappers in the cast! We loved seeing Dimitri Pittas, Nicole Heaston, Michael Sumuel and Alicia Gianni onstage at the Wortham. Aria Talk It’s hard to believe but it took until Day

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The Road to 2017: Cincinnati

We’re heading out of Ohio tonight, after 3 productive days at CCM. This site is a particularly strong magnet for potential Studio Artists, with strong singing from students enrolled at the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, Indiana University, Oberlin Conservatory of Music, University of Michigan, Louisiana State University, Michigan State University, Florida State University,

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Measuring Stick: For Sopranos Only

Today, a diversion from our audition tour travels: Enjoy this audition season poem for light lyric sopranos, courtesy of a talented yet anonymous WTO alumna poet. Measuring Stick The measuring stick that is used for sopranos has quite a varied hue, And if the height of talent reaches a certain mark, still no one will no

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The Road to 2017: Chicago

First, we’ve received a few questions on Monday’s post, which referenced the finalists for our audition tour. A bit of clarification: We use our callback system as an indication of whether or not we are carrying you forward for possible casting in 2017. Here’s how it works: You can find your callback status by logging into your

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The Road to 2017: NYC Rearview

Before we hop on the plane to Chicago… Bravo, New York! I think this is the strongest series of auditions we’ve held in NYC for over a decade. Thank you all! So sorry that we couldn’t carry more singers forward as finalists for 2017, but it has been a super strong field this year. Some

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The Road to 2017: NYC

PSA to all singers re auditioning in the Marc A. Scorca Recital Hall at Opera America: There are steps about 4 feet downstage of the piano! We’ve watched too many almost-accidents (and one actual tumble) from folks entering the hall and falling down the steps before we could warn them. OK, on to the report

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The Road to 2017: San Francisco

We had a lovely start to our audition day, with a greeting from one of the nicest stage door guards we’ve ever met! And periodic visits with SFO colleagues, friends, and WTO alums continued the good vibes. The Aria Watch Variety abounded again today, and for that we are grateful. (I’ll take an Old Fart

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The Road to 2017: LA to San Fran

We had a really strong series of auditions in Los Angeles yesterday. Our first 30 singers of the tour brought arias spanning 6 languages (Italian, French, German, English, Russian and Czech) and 5 centuries (from Monteverdi to Heggie)! From Behind the Table Introductions: A word to younger singers (typically in our Studio Artist pool) who are just

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Opera Beyond The Barns: Lucretia

WTO’s video streaming initiative continues with our June 2016 The Rape of Lucretia!  The Washington Post called it “an intense wallop of a well-sung production.” It was that and more. We were terrifically proud of this show and of its corresponding Lucretia Project events.  The production featured a powerful ensemble cast: J’Nai Bridges, Will Liverman, Brenton Ryan, Kerriann Otaño, Christian Zaremba,

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