Posts Categorized: Blog

Summer 2013. Bring it on.

The puzzle is complete! We are now on the web (links below). Tickets will be available to Wolf Trap members on February 25 , and to the general public on March 16. (I never say much about this on the blog, but if you enjoy our performances and believe in our amazing young artists, membership

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Fight Your Way Through It

This bit of wisdom has been making the rounds. If you haven’t already seen it, click and listen. Seriously, do it. It’s one minute and 55 seconds long. Not surprising, any of it. But how easily we tamp down this truth to a place where we can’t see it. Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 hour rule also

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Back To my Roots

OK, I admit it. I’ve been cheating on you with some newer, sexier blogs. (Well actually, one blog and one podcast.) But truth is, I miss you. Even though it’s been fun pretending to be a fancy Huffington Post blogger and a smooth-talking iTunes podcaster, it’s also been pretty exhausting. Those Huffington Post people expect

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Thank You for Being Nice?

I owe the singers out there some final aria lists from the audition tour, but I need a few hours to crunch the data, and I can’t get to it for another few days. (Currently preoccupied with data of another sort, the budgetary kind…) What I do seem to have time for, though, is this

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Our Ears Are Full

The blog comes to you today courtesy of my colleague and audition tour partner in crime Lee Anne Myslewski. OK. For all of you who sing, or tune into the blog and say “I think that the tour sounds like so much fun!” I will agree with you – it is fun – but here’s

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Everything I Need to Know About Life I Learned On the Audition Tour

One of our Chicago audition spaces prides itself on “self-regulation.” That’s a euphemism for having a lot of signs on the walls. (this year’s haul at left) Being surrounded by rules brings out the order-obeying conformist in me, thrusting me back to my school days. (In which I was a straight-A student, not because I

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Opera Stars in the Lone Star

We just finished up three days in Houston. Great colleagues, amazing singing, and absolutely beautiful weather! Day 3 came complete with a fire drill that forced us out into the sunshine for an extra half hour. We didn’t really mind :)  (Photo right above, during the evacuation; and right at bottom, after the two opera

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One of our Favorite Auditions So Far

Four years ago we flew into Houston on election night and went to a memorable party chez WTOC alum Ryan McKinny, complete with a wall-sized electoral college map.  Ryan and his family are in Switzerland right now, but this isn’t going to stop us from enjoying some Election Day inspiration, courtesy of Ryan’s young daughter

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Flying South!

It’s Saturday, and it’s CVG-DFW-IAH day. We’re leaving chilly Cincinnati for toasty Texas, and doing so from an almost completely deserted airport. (We’re 2 for 2 this week, as departure from Dulles on Wednesday was also eerily lonesome.) Cincinnati was only chilly temperature-wise, for the way that CCM embraces us is always heart-warming. Many thanks

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L’ira di sabbia

Philadelphia auditions (at left, Mary Poppins and friends leaving Curtis Institute) and travel to DC were completed before the Tropical Storm Hurricane Frankenstorm reached the east coast. We do plan to be in Cincinnati for auditions by Thursday. Car rental reservation has been made, in case there aren’t enough planes at Dulles to fly us

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