

An Honor to be Nominated. No, Really.

We have the great privilege of going to LA for the GRAMMYs this weekend!  The Volpone recording nomination (one of 5 in the category of Best Opera Recording) meant that Wolf Trap, as the record label, was able to get a few tickets for the ceremonies.  (GRAMMYs are for artists on the recording, and even

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Special (Merriam-Webster): distinguished by some unusual quality. Life’s a Pitch just finished a week hosting a virtual panel on when and how artists, managers, journalists, presenters and publicists single out musicians for being “special” in their promotion and career-building efforts.  Amanda’s summary of the posts by her 4 guest bloggers is here. I hesitate to

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Blog Clog

Brain Drain. All sorts of things interfering with blogging.  This week included a trip to New York for preparations for our upcoming workshop of Musto & Campbells Inspector opera.  And the little remaining office time was clouded by fumbling attempts at writing marketing copy for our 2010 shows. (You’d think that struggling with Twitter would

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What *Were* You Thinking?

I just got back from hearing dozens of aspiring young singers in the North Carolina district auditions of the Metropolitan Opera National Council.  As is typical, I am equal parts exhausted and energized. And, as is typical, I had the following post-competition discussion with a number of audience members. Patron: It must’ve been such a

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Creativity’s Worst Enemy

If you haven’t yet read Byron Janis’s recent article in the Wall Street Journal, go here. I am at my happiest when sight-reading music, but never really bothered to articulate why.  I suspected that it had a good deal to do with being too lazy to practice.  So I felt completely understood (and vindicated!) when

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January: When the Music Goes into Hiding

I wear my Marketing and Box Office hats a lot in January.  (Good thing, too, for it’s bloody freezing around here.  I need all the clothing I can find.)  All of the music that surrounded us during the audition and casting process has temporarily disappeared to make way for writing copy and selling tickets. So,

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It Just Feels Like a New Decade

The happiest of new years to one and all!  Strictly speaking, I know it’s not a new decade, but it feels like it is.  And that’s good. I’m back at my desk after a miraculously restful 11 days away from work.  (Thank, you Wolf Trap Foundation, for the immensely sane and merciful act of shutting

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Holiday Hiatus

We weren’t terribly good about documenting this year’s audition tour, but thanks to CameraMan, we have a few images from our travels. It was a terribly dense trip – due to extenuating schedule and budget parameters – and I think we only (barely) had enough brainpower and energy for the compulsories. The blog silence in

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The Long View

I sat for an interview last week, and a typical question came up: “What was the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far in your career?” How coincidental that this interview came right after our recent oh-so-sweet GRAMMY news. For the fight for this Volpone recording was probably the biggest hurdle I’ve had to clear, at

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Scrappy & Outrageous

It’s been a bit of a wild ride over the last few days, as last week’s GRAMMY news eclipsed much of business as usual. We are working overtime to choose and cast next summer’s operas, and I haven’t forgotten my promise to post the list of most-offered arias during November’s audition tour. [UPDATE: These are

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