

Deadlines and Linkage

The second deadline of the audition season looms tonight at midnight DST (for applications for Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco & Seattle). And notifications for the New York site applications are going out as we speak. If we weren’t able to put you through this year, we still wish you all the best as you navigate

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Looking for Audition Advice? Hit the Archives.

Apologies for my intense silence this fall, but I am lavishing all brain cells on reviewing the huge digital pile of applications in front of me. If you’re trolling for audition season musings and advice, you’ll be well served by checking out the Fall 2009 series of posts devoted to strutting your stuff in the

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Where We Come From

Now that was something. I’m not given to superlatives. I’m a fan of quietly shepherding and shaping something until it speaks for itself in the most eloquent way possible.  Whether it’s my own kids (who are two of the best people on the planet) or the artists we work so hard to support (who do

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Events like this – put together in 36 hours or less, with lots of moving parts – are full of electricity and excitement. But there are the inevitable surprises. (Like the earthquake that disrupted rehearsal this afternoon for an hour…)  One of this week’s surprises was an artist cancellation.  We just learned that mezzo-soprano Stephanie

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Trapping Wolves, Part 1

Bass-baritone Alan Held is just across the river in D.C., rehearsing for Washington National Opera’s Tosca, and he’ll be here next week for our anniversary concert. Surf on over to his blog for today’s post Trapping Wolves – Part 1. In it he talks  about his audition for Wolf Trap, in which he sang “Abendlich

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Homecoming: Stephanie Blythe

Stephanie spent two summers at the Trap, and her roles included Fidalma in Il matromonio segreto, Marchesa Melibea in Il viaggio a Reims, Dame Quickly in Falstaff (far left), Tisbe in Cenerentola (typical WTOC luxury casting…) and Tolomeo in Giulio Cesare. I had the privilege of being on music staff during Stephanie’s Wolf Trap summers,

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Homecoming: Matt Boehler

Fortunately, it doesn’t feel as if Matt ever really left us! He’s of the most recent “vintage” on our alumni concert, and he returned just a few months ago to create a memorable Adolfo in the premiere of Wolf Trap’s newest commissioned opera, The Inspector. Matt’s WTOC roles included Sweeney Todd, Leporello in Don Giovanni,

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