

Winterreise: Chapter 1

Come with me on a winter journey. Yes, most of us are longing for spring. But there are still many beautiful and touching things that winter has to say to us before it goes. Ryan McKinny and I have the privilege and pleasure of bringing Schubert’s Winterreise to The Barns on Friday, March 7. If

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There are so many exciting things I can’t tell you yet about summer 2014…  But even though I can’t spill the beans until March 11, there are other stories to share while we wait. Today, a shout out to someone who had a bigger impact on Wolf Trap than anyone I know. A few weeks

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Save the Dates!

While we wait for our complete season announcement in early March, I realize that many of our loyal fans are trying to work us into their busy summer travel schedules. To that end, I offer up these dates for summer 2014, just in case it helps! I know that repertoire would be helpful too, but we’re

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The Best Friends of All

Last weekend I had the honor of performing at a memorial service for two of Wolf Trap Opera’s longest and dearest friends, Keith and Barbara Severin. Today’s brief post is dedicated to them and to all of the beautiful people out there who donate their resources, time, energy and efforts to help sustain and promote

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Buone Feste, Amici!

Warm winter wishes go out to all of you from your friends at Wolf Trap! Christmas came early here at WTOC, in the form of the news that we will be adding a new person to our year-round team. Know anyone who wants to help us make opera magic and promote the best amazing young

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Aria Frequency: Observations

Today’s post is for those of you who are fans of the Aria Frequency Lists, my annual autumn accounting of the popularity of various audition arias. Our audition application website captures singers’ arias lists (or “packages”) in a way that allows us to churn out this data every year. (For those of you who wonder

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Just When You Think No One Is Listening…

Today’s contest on Wolf Trap’s Facebook Page (go ahead, click it, like it, you know you want to…) asked patrons to submit their favorite Wolf Trap memory. The Wolf Trap Foundation is our parent organization, and it presents hundreds of concerts every year across a dizzying array of genres. We love opera, you and I,

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Recognizing Talent

I drop back into the blogosphere today after a few weeks of radio silence brought to you by the post-audition-tour casting frenzy. We’re consumed with the first step of our freakishly fast pre-production process which takes us from a blank slate to opening night in 6 months. And of course, until the smoke begins to

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We’ve spent the last month or so listening and writing, thinking and writing, analyzing and writing. So much writing. 89, 425 words, actually.* A novel-length output just north of Orwell’s 1984 (88,942) and south of Tolkien’s The Hobbit (95,022). A lot of words for sure. But how else to keep track of 590 singers? We

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2014 Aria Frequency Lists!

Last day of auditions. Just enough time and brain cells to let you know that Aria Frequency lists for all voice types are now here. Back at you later, when people stop singing arias at me.

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