

Audition Day: The Social Dynamic

Part Four in a series of posts containing audition season advice submitted by Wolf Trap Opera alumni. Today, some thoughts on interacting with other singers at auditions. Navigating the Colleague Waters A few separate short bits of advice: Be leery of colleagues who offer unsolicited advice. Be well-prepared, polite, kind, courteous and a good colleague. Don’t

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The Package…

Part Three in a series of posts containing audition season advice submitted by Wolf Trap Opera alumni. Your Aria Package: Argh… What should I sing??? Be Yourself Start with something that shows off something unique you can offer.  For me, this was often the aria that I was the most comfortable with anyway, and helped get me grounded

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Audition Day Strategies

Part Two in a series of posts containing audition season advice submitted by Wolf Trap Opera alumni. Half a dozen singers responded to my call for advice with comments on how to deal with the little (and big…) things that can and will go wrong during audition season. Audition Day Strategies: Plan Ahead Be Ready for Anything

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Be Your Own CEO

Part One in a series of posts containing audition season advice submitted by Wolf Trap Opera alumni. I had intended to kick off this series with some nuts-and-bolts advice, but the podcast I heard on this morning’s commute changed my mind. “It’s Not the Product, It’s the Person*” aired on This American Life last week. It’s full

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From the Horses’ Mouth(s)

Enough of me writing audition season advice. (Well, not really… I will weigh in eventually…) This year you’re going to hear from those who have been there: working singers who have learned things the hard way. I’ve asked Wolf Trap Opera alumni to send me audition advice that they’d like to share with young artists, and so far

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The Audition-Interview

If you told most young professionals that they’d have to do several dozen job interviews a year for a decade or so, you’d probably get stares of disbelief. Any serious job-hunter has to make his peace with the process of strutting his stuff for potential employers, but typically, he doesn’t have to do it a few hundred times. Professional

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Hey Singers…

The first application deadline for the 2015 season is almost upon us: If you an interested in an audition in New York or Cincinnati, you need to submit an application by midnight on Monday, September 1. Full list of audition sites, dates and deadlines is over in the right column. First, read all of the fine print

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Spotlight on the Studio!

Last night’s Studio Spotlight performance for Wolf Trap Members was a rousing success. These terrific undergrad and first-year grad singers outdid themselves in a program directed by Alison Moritz, conducted by Stephanie Rhodes, and played by Emily Senturia and Michael Sherman. They did outstanding work in a summer that included chorus assignments in three operas, an Instant Opera project,

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