Search Results for: behind the curtain

Carmen 2.0 – Part Two

David Pogue is going to be in my opera!!! OMG!!! Sorry. Had to get the fangirl reaction out of the way. I know there are opera lovers out there who toil away providing valuable science and engineering services to society, many of whom wish they had continued with piano lessons and become musicians. I sit here on the

Life in the Pit

Greetings from Fraser, Colorado, the Icebox of the Nation. Yesterday’s high at the top of the mountain was 10 below zero. Cold but breathtakingly beautiful. I just took a few hours to catch up on blog surfing (something I have a lot of trouble keeping up with under normal circumstances) and found Arts Addict’s recent


I can feel my brain reaching its pitiful saturation point, and I’m oh so thankful that there’s no singing in my Friday. Spent the day getting from Seattle to Chicago and catching up on some paperwork. And as if to make up for the fact that we couldn’t see Mt. Rainier from Seattle because of

Reference Post: Master Class

Participants’ Responses to Take Off Your Emotional Clothes and Sing – Barbara Cook’s Master Class at JuilliardDecember 13, 2005 Paul Kwak, pianist Metaphors are only as insightful as the perceptions of those who coin them. As agents of symbolism, given over to the investments of experience, myopic opinion, and even wrongheaded interpretation, their artistic potential