A magical Flute indeed. No kidding.

I’m going underground for a while. Wouldn’t be surprised if it were a month.
If you’re hoping to sing for us on this fall’s audition tour, go here for details. The first deadline is September 24, and auditions start on October 28.
Thanks to all who took this marvelous and memorable ride with us this summer. See you in the fall.
As always, it’s been wonderful to read your blog! Enjoy your time off, but I do hope you return!
Question – I recently graduated from my Master’s program and moved to Los Angeles and my new teacher has decided that I am a soprano. So, I’m going through a fach change. Should someone who’s just changing fach’s do an audition for summer young artist programs? All the roles I have done on my resume are mezzo roles, will people expect me to explain that? Any pointers you have would be much apreciated.
A complicated matter, requiring a detailed answer. I promise I’ll respond next week.