The Inspector workshop lasted just six days -intense, full of laughter, and infused by the good will and hard work of our cast and staff. Any just description deserves more time and space than I can afford here, already engulfed as I am by the beginning of our summer season.
Let it be said that the integrity of the piece is astonishing for an opera still in development. We sang it beginning-to-end for an invited audience on Saturday, and the response was enthusiastically positive. John and Mark are in the process of rolling out tweaks to the libretto and the music; they are tightening up a few of the moments that we felt sagged for one reason or another, filling out the exposition of one of the characters, tweaking or deleting a few of the comic bits that didn’t land, and clarifying some musical moments that were a little too rushed or busy. All in all, detail work. Critical detail work, especially for a comedy, but fine tuning nonetheless.

These adjustments will be made within the next month, then John will start orchestrating, and directors and designers will give the piece a visual shape. Look for the launch of The Inspector website next fall – with video trailers, audio samples, design sketches and more!
A sincere and hearty thank you to the wonderful people of The Inspector Workshop 2010:
Composer: John Musto
Librettist: Mark Campbell
Conductor: Glen Cortese
Director: Leon Major
Mayor Fazzobaldi: Michael Anthony McGee
Bernadetta: Heather Johnson
Beatrice: Anne-Carolyn Bird
Tancredi: Andrew Bidlack
Cosimo: Chad Sloan
Board of Directors: Amanda Opuszynski, Sarah Larsen, Patrick Cook & Eugene Galvin
Bobachina & Bobachino: CarrieAnne Winter & Madelyn Wanner
Sister Anjelica: Gabriele DeMers
Pianist: Michael Baitzer
Stage Manager: Laura Krause

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