Posts Categorized: Blog

West Coast, We’re Coming For You!

Want to apply for a Wolf Trap Opera audition in California? Better hurry; the deadline is next week (August 27)! We’ll be coming to Los Angeles on September 28 and San Francisco on October 2. The application process is free this year, and you can find everything you want to know here. OK, now go back to enjoying

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Ciao, Summer 2015

Our young artists have already departed for wherever their next adventures take them – places like Los Angeles, Zurich, New York, Houston, Phoenix, Berlin, Washington and more. Over 10,000 audience members enjoyed our 2015 season operas and concerts, and I hope you were among them. Lee Anne, Morgan and I are taking a couple of

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Day 82: Setting Butterfly Free

My work is done. Literally thousands of hours of prep done by hundreds of people have led us here. This is always a bittersweet moment for those in the performing arts, and even moreso when doing a big show whose opening night is the same as its closing night. Congratulations to all of the folks who shepherded

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Butterfly Photo LiveBlog: T-10

All’s quiet downstairs at the Filene Center. Clockwise from upper left: Wigs awaiting geishas, Cio-Cio San’s kimono, origami cranes in the musicians’ lounge, my office for the day, Act I props.

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