Posts Categorized: Blog

We Are All in This Together

This is on the mind of a lot of singers right now.  There have been follow-ups, flame wars and responses, all of which I will let you google on your own. And there have been discussions aplenty, on both social media and in hallways. I tread here very cautiously, and I have written and rewritten

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Punchable and Lovable

This article caught my attention. He speaks the truth. “This is why I love singers and all things singing. They may be the most wonderful engaging and inspiring people, they may be egotistical and in a couple of notable cases we all probably agree on, rather punchable. But fundamentally, they are heroes. I couldn’t do

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Audition Rep: The Triage Game

As you might have deduced from my weeks-long silence (how does that happen?!?), we are finished with the audition tour and hip-deep in the process of repertoire selection and casting. Since I am now in the necessarily “silent phase” of my process, I offer the following post, drafted during our fall auditions but never published. Jack of all

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A New Approach to Fundraising

With everlasting thanks to our baritone friend Will Liverman, the creative genius behind this mashup of two of his worlds. As he says, “I just think that opera companies could raise more money if they held offerings like some of these black churches. And I’m also convinced that gospel originates from Mozart operas.” Offered, for

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Auditions: The Paperwork Post

And here it is, the fascinating, scintillating and titillating audition season post you’ve been waiting for… Paperwork! It’s important. Don’t resist or resent it. Look at it this way. If you were pounding the pavement looking for a “real” job* right now, you’d be writing dozens and dozens of customized cover letters and tweaking multiple

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Fun with the Met Headshot Wall

We spent some of our spare time at the Met scouring the lower level headshot wall for photos of singers who spent a summer or two with Wolf Trap Opera. See the composite above for some of the results! L-R, row by row: Ailyn Perez, Nathan Gunn, Lawrence Brownlee, Michelle DeYoung, Denyce Graves, Eric Cutler, Kate

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2016 Short List. Let the Games Begin

We spent last evening digging through the repertoire treasure trove in preparation for the end of the audition tour (which is in sight… less than 2 weeks!) For your amusement (and your betting pleasure, if it pleases you), here’s the list of titles we discussed. Alphabetized so as to not show inadvertent favoritism. Don’t get

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From Monteverdi to the Met

It’s New York Audition Week, which means my brain is just a little too full for writing… Instead, I offer these lovely photographic souvenirs of the Anna Bolena we saw last night at the Met, featuring a jaw-dropping performance by our own Jamie Barton as Jane Seymour. (WTO fans will remember her beautiful performance of Penelope in Monteverdi’s Il ritorno

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Aria Nerdery: Sopranos & Baritones

First installment of rare* arias offered during the fall 2015 audition tour. Here we go: (*Rare is relative. Aria fads come and go.) Baritones “And this will be my epitaph” from Barber’s A Hand of Bridge Nice English aria option. Shows more dramatic range than Bob or Horace Tabor. Not quite as thorny as something like Doctor

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Your Audition Partner

Today, we talk about the printed music that comes in the audition room with you. No huge revelations, but you’d be surprised how many folks create stumbling blocks for themselves by ignoring this basic advice. Our Cincinnati auditions (at CCM) are typically played by Donna Loewy, who is not only a fabulous pianist and collaborator, she’s

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