Day 2 of Cincinnati auditions is done. There was a strong showing from Studio Artist candidates from a whole range of schools, with the largest contingents from CCM, Indiana University, and University of Michigan. We had an interesting run of NSFW audition monologues this morning… some of them worked, some didn’t, but the preponderance of them on a Sunday morning was amusing.
We’re packing up tonight, catching a few hours’ sleep before our 3:30am wakeup call for tomorrow morning’s flight to DC…
Today’s #ASQoD*
“You never know what is enough
unless you know what is more than enough.”
William Blake
“More than enough” requires imagination. I used to invoke this axiom when I was coaching singers who would take maddening baby steps toward a bold goal.
Go for broke, people. Say something. Be an artist. Your imagination will help you take the leap to the edge if you give it free rein. Practice this approach in collaboration with a trusted teacher or mentor, and periodically free yourself from your inner critic. You’ll be surprised.
Crossing that line is the only sure way of knowing where it is. And knowing where it is will allow you to perform on that exciting, exhilarating edge. And during a long day of auditions, we monkeys on the other side of the table crave that kind of singing.
The Audition Season Quote of the Day is a month-long series brought to you by Wolf Trap Opera.
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