Day 2 of auditions in Chicago. Some great monologues (including Eli Pope from Scandal) and hearings of rare arias (“Nicht ein Augenblick” from Silent Night, Berg’s “Lied der Lulu”, “Agitato da fiere tempeste” from Riccardo Primo, and “Alles vorbei” from Das Land des Lächelns.)
And here’s your 5th #ASQoD*
“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes.
Art is knowing which ones to keep.”
Scott Adams
It’s an exercise in futility to approach an audition – or any high-stakes performance – as an opportunity to deliver flawlessness. Recovering from a memory slip, staying in the moment when a big technical challenge doesn’t go well, finding reassurance in your technique when faced with a challenging acoustic – an ability to do these things illuminate your artistry in mundane but important ways.
Jazz musicians have this down. “Classical” players and singers may never quite enjoy the same amount of creative freedom (and terror…), but if you keep your eyes, ears, and minds open, you’ll realize that not every mistake is a loss, and not every surprise is bad.
The Audition Season Quote of the Day is a month-long series brought to you by Wolf Trap Opera.
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