2008 Audition Tour Aria Frequency List

By voice type, the number of times an aria appears on the lists submitted by singers who are auditioning. Each singer must submit 4 choices. This list does not reflect the actual arias offered as first choices within the auditions.

41% of the audition pool

The Big Winner (30 times)
Ach ich fühl’s

Runner-Up (21 times)
Deh vieni

Ain’t it a pretty night
Caro nome
Come scoglio
Je dis que rien ne m’épouvante
Je veux vivre
No word from Tom / I go to him

Adieu notre petite table
Ah je ris (Jewel Song)
Be kind and courteous
Chi il bel sogno di Doretta
Dearest Mama
Depuis le jour
Donde lieta uscì
Durch Zärtlichkeit
Fire aria
Grossmaechtige Prinzessin
Je marche / Obéissons (Gavotte)
Je suis encor
Oh! quante volte
Quando m’en vo
Quel guardo / So anch’io
Regnava nel silenzio
Sul fil d’un soffio
Tornami a vagghegiar

A vos jeux
Ach ich liebte
Adele’s Audition aria
Ah fors’è lui / Sempre libera
Ah! fuggi il traditor
Ah! non credea / Ah non giunge
Amour ranime mon courage
Batti batti
But You Do Not Know this Man
Come now a roundel
Come now a roundel
Da tempeste
Das war sehr gut
Dich teure Halle
Dove sono
Du gai soleil
Elle a fui
Embroidery aria
Glitter and be gay
Gluck das mir verbliebt (Marietta’s Lied)
Gold is a fine thing (Silver Aria)
I Want Magic
Il est doux
Les oiseaux dans la charmille
Mi tradì
Non mi dir
Nun eilt herbei
O luce di quest’anima
O wär’ ich schon
O zittre nicht
Padre germani addio
Porgi amor
Prendi per me
Sempre libera
Sì mi chiamano Mimì
Song to the Moon (Rusalka)
Steal me
Stridono lassù
Una donna a quindici anni
Willow song

Once or Twice
Addio del passato
Ah chi mi dice mai
Ardon gl’incensi / Spargi (Lucia’s mad scene)
Bester Jüngling
Chanson du Rossignol
Come in quest’ora
Come per me sereno
Comme autrefois
Credete al mio dolore
Dawn…Still Darkness (Flight)
Der Hölle Rache
Dis-moi que je suis belle
Einst träumte / Trübe Augen
Emily’s Aria (Our Town)
Endless pleasure
Entrance of La Fée (Cendrillon)
Ernani involami
Es gibt ein Reich
Father, I beg you (Tartuffe)
Fiakermilli’s Aria (Arabella)
Geme la tortorella
Have peace Jo
Hello! Oh Margaret it’s you
How beautiful it is
Hymn to the Sun (The Golden Cockerel)
I Can Smell the Sea Air
In quelle trine morbide
Injurious Hermia
Is This All You Can Bring?
Je suis Titania
John my darling
Joy Beyond Measure
Klänge der Heimat (Czàrdàs)
Kommt ein schlanker Bursch’ gegangen
La mamma morta
Le jour
Lied der Lulu
Lisa’s Aria (Queen of Spades)
Love Me Big
Madame Pompous’ Aria (Too Many Sopranos)
Marfa’s aria (Ivan Sergeich…)
Marie’s Lullaby (Wozzeck)
Martern aller Arten
Mein Herr Marquis (Laughing song)
Meine Lippen, sie kussen so heiss
Morro, ma prima in grazia
No monsieur mon mari
O malheureuse Iphigénie
O mio babbino caro
O sleep
Once I thought (Laurie’s Song)
Or sai
Ou va la jeune Hindoue? (Bell song)
Pace, pace mio Dio!
Par le rang / Salut à la France
Pleurez mes yeux
Presentation of the Rose
Presto, amiche, a spasso
Qui la voce
Rita’s Aria (A Wedding)
Ruhe sanft
Sabrina’s Aria (Colonel Jonathan the Saint)
S’altro che lagrime
Saper vorreste
Scoglio d’immota fronte
Se il padre perdei
Se pietà
Se son vendicata
Sie wollen alle gelt! (Zdenka’s Aria)
Tacea la notte / Di tale amor
Tiny’s Song
To this we’ve come
Trahir Vincent
Tu che di gel
Tu che le vanità
Tu la mia stella sei
Un bel dì vedremo
Una voce poco fa
V’adoro pupille
Verdi piante
Volta la terrea
What good would the moon be
Where am i? Dreaming? (Gretel’s aria)
Where is the old warm world?
Wo bin ich
You’ve never seen the winter here

18 % of the audition pool (16% / 2%)

The Big Winner (23 times)
Smanie implacabili

Sein wir wieder gut
Va! laisse couler mes larmes

Give him this orchid
I know a bank
Must the winter come so soon
Nobles Seigneurs salut
Parto parto
Pres des remparts (Seguidilla)
Que fais-tu
Things change Jo
Voi che sapete
Wie du warst

Cruda sorte
Faites-lui mes aveux
Iris hence away
Je vous ecris (Letter scene)
Non piu mesta
Non so più
O ma lyre immortelle
O mio Fernando
Svegliatevi nel core
Una voce poco fa (mezzo)
What a movie

Once or Twice
A l’heure dite, je fuyais
A Quality Love
A Quiet Place
Acerba voluttà
Ah Michele Don’t You Know
Ah! mon fils
Al lampo dell’armi
All that gold
Amour! viens aider ma faiblesse
As with Rosey Steps
Cara speme
Che farò
Deh per questo istante
Despair No More Shall Wound Me
Dopo notte
Dove sei
Enfin je suis ici
Estelle’s aria (Miss Havisham’s Fire)
I Am Easily Assimilated
I Do Not Judge You, John
I Was a Constant Faithful Wife
Ich bin Rosine Leckermaul
Il vecchiotto
In uomini
J’ai perdu mon Eurydice
Je vais mourir
L’angue offeso
L’amour vainqueur
Lucidissima face
Madame de la Haltiere’s Aria (Cendrillon)
Mon coeur s’ouvre à ta voix
Oblivion soave (Arnalta’s Lullaby)
Oh, those faces
Olga’s aria (Ya ne sposobna)
Pauline’s aria (Podrugi milïye)
Perfect as we are
Scorre il fiumo
Se Romeo
Spero per voi
The empty handed traveler
This journey
Thy hand Belinda / When I am laid in earth
Venti Turbini
Vivi tiranno
Vois sous l’archet (Violin aria)

14% of the audition pool

The Winner (16 times)
Dies Bildnis

10 Times Each
Il mio tesoro
O wie ängstlich
Una furtiva lagrima

Ah lève-toi soleil
Che gelida manina
Here I stand
Kuda kuda (Lenski)
Lonely House
Salut! demeure chaste e pure

A te o cara
Ah mes amis
De’ miei bollenti spiriti
Durch die Wälder
En fermant les yeux (La Rêve)
La fleur (Flower song)
Questa o quella
Recondita armonia
Sì ritrovarla
Un aura amorosa

Once or Twice
Ach so fromm
Ah fuyez
Ah la paterna mano
Ah, en fosse intorno al trono
Albert the Good
Amore o grillo
Aria from Dona Francisquita
Au Mont Ida
Celeste Aida
Ch’ella mi creda
Dal labbro il canto
Dalla sua pace
Dein is mein ganzes Herz
Dentro il mio petto
È la solita storia
E lucevan le stelle
Ecco ridente
Fantaisie aux divins mensonges
Flamand’s Sonnet (Capriccio)
Forse la soglia attinse
Fra poco a me ricoverò
Frisch zum Kampfe
Fuor del mar
I must with speed amuse her
I’m Like a Bird (Rita)
Ich baue ganz
Im Gegenteil (Tanzmeister)
I’m gettin’ tired of travelin’ through
It’s about the way people is made
Je crois entendre
Jour et nuit
L’angue offeso
La donna è mobile
L’anima ho stanco
Love sounds th’alarm
Love too frequently betrayed
Maybe a Handel aria – if I’ve found one by then [this is one of my favorites:)]
New York Lights
O Colombina
O fiamma soave
Outside this house
Parmi veder le lagrime
Peter Grimes’ mad scene
Pourquoi me reveiller
Povero Ernesto
Prologue aria from Billy Budd
Quanto è bella
Que les destins prospéres
So there you were (Guardian Angel)
Spirto gentil
Tarquinius does not wait
Vainement ma bien aimée
Vary the song
Vedrommi intorno
Where e’er you walk
Wie eine Rosenknospe (Camille’s Romanza)

18% of the audition pool

The Runaway Winner (29 times)
Hai già vinta la causa

Billy in the Darbies
E fra quest’ansie (Silvio)
Mein Sehnen (Pierrot’s Tanzlied)
Papageno’s suicide aria

Ah! per sempre
Avant de quitter ces lieux
Largo al factotum
O du mein holder Abendstern
Yeletsky’s aria (Ya vas lyublu)

Bella siccome un angelo
Come Paride vezzose
Der Vogelfänger
Donne mie
É sogno?
Io morro ma lieto in core
O Nadir
O vin dissipe la tristesse
Onegin’s aria
Per me giunto
Vision fugitive
Votre toast (Toreador)
Warm as the autumn light
When the air sings of summer
Within this frail crucible

Once or Twice
A Red Headed Woman
Aleko’s aria (Ves’ tabor spit)
Aprite un po’
Choisir! Et pourquoi?
Comme une pâle fleur
Confession from Dead Man Walking
Credo in un Dio crudel
Dearest Amelia
Deh, vieni alla finestra
Di Provenza
Donner / Das Rheingold
Hal’s Memory from Plump Jack
Hear me, O Lord
I was never saner
I’ll be there…from The Grapes of Wrath
In youth the panting slave
Ja Wehe!
Lieben Hassen
News has a kind of mystery
Non siate ritrosi
Pandolfe’s aria from Cendrillon.
Prince Igor (Ni sna ni)
Questo amor
Ragged Man’s aria from Grapes of Wrath
Schaunard’s aria
Schicchi’s aria
Scintille, diamant
Se vuol ballare
See the Raging Flames
Si può
Smirnoff’s Aria from The Bear
So Dies My Paris Dream (The Tsar Has His Photograph Taken)
Sois Immobile
There was a knight
Tower scene from Pelleas et Melisande
Uzel’ Ta Samaja Tat’jana
You’d think a person

9% of the audition pool
(FYI: exactly 50% of these guys characterize themselves as basses, 50% as bass-baritones)

Winner by a Slim Margin! (10 times)
Se vuol ballare

Hear me O Lord
I’m a lonely man Susannah
Madamina (Catalogue aria)
Vecchia zimarra

Aprite un po’
Aris ye subterranean winds
Épouse quelque brave fille
Il lacerato spirito
In diesen heil’gen Hallen
La calunnia
La vendetta
Non più andrai
Piff paff
Vous qui faites l’endormie (Serenade)
Wie schoen ist doch die Musik

Once or Twice
A un dottor della mia sorte
Abendlich strahlt der Sonne Auge
Aleko’s aria (Ves’ tabor spit)
Als Büblein klein
Arie Vodnika
Bottom’s Dream
Come dal ciel
Come Master
Comment peut-on penser (Sancho’s aria)
Dalle stanze ove Lucia
Demon’s Aria
Di Cupido
Di due figli vivea, padre beato
Gremin’s aria (Lyubvi vse vozrastï pokornï)
I got plenty o’ nuttin
I rage / O ruddier than the cherry
Il voulait reigner… Maitre miséricordieux
I’m a lonely man Susannah
I’m Fixin to Tell You (Revival Scene)
Je suis le chevalier errant
King Rene’s Prayer
Leave me loathsome light
Man that is born of a woman
O beauty
O du mein holder Abendstern
O Isis und Osiris
O tu Palermo
O wie will ich triumphieren
Quand la flamme
Quel torrente
Scintille diamant
Sous les Pieds d’une Femme
Udite o rustici
Umpire’s Song
Vi ravviso
Warm as the autumn light



Grossmachtige is in the 3-5 range and Zerbinetta’s aria is in the once or twice–does that bump it up to the more popular 6-10 range?

Just curious–and also about whether it was a starting piece (cut from the “so war”?) or your second choice (from a certain section I presume, and not all 11 minutes!)


Thanks for the correction – I try to catch all of the dupes but missed this one. The grand total is now 6.

So far it’s been a starter twice. Once partial and once complete by our specific request.

3 more full days of auditions to go, then I’ll post the list of starters and follow-ups.


Wow- a panel that actually chose to hear the whole thing! That’s only happened to me once before. And never as a starter, I always offer it in sections.
Sure wish I was anywhere to be able to sing for you again this year—but alas, current-performance calls!

And btw- for a good mathematical time that your “Bob Fincheimer” may be interested in, my current “proof” post with new edited update from my own dorky brother may be of interest!

Campbell Vertesi

Thanks for all the posting explaining the non-callbacks, and generally making singers feel better. Though I’ve been in this game for long enough to know that auditioners like to watch us grow into candidacy for a contract… it’s still very comforting to hear it again from you. Because against my better judgment, I was getting worried. I guess audition neurosis gets us all eventually.

I wanted to request a few other statistics from you – over a historical trend if possible. I’d like to know how many applications you receive for each audition locale (though I’ll take the overall number if that’s easier to get), and how many singers you end up hearing. I’m interested in seeing it over time, because subjectively it looks like we’re starting a huge growth in the number of young singers competing for spots. IIRC you mentioned last year that you had a 300% growth in the Midwest in that year alone… though I may be mistaking that for something I heard from another company (my memory is TERRIBLE unless it’s set to music…). In any case, these are numbers that concern us greatly!

Thanks again for your writing and your tremendous sympathy for the singers’ plight. Don’t think we don’t appreciate it. (double negative, I know… but if you can do it, I can!)


Is there any value or virtue in offering selections heard less often? Seriously, you must get sick of the same 5 arias.

I’ve heard both of these philosphies. 1) that each piece offered should be very standard, since it otherwise looks like the singer can’t sing standard rep. 2) each list should have one obscure item, at least, to show a little depth of knowledge of the repertory. What’s a young singer to do? Thanks–

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