Steve Blier arrived at the Trap yesterday, and the luxurious sounds of The Art of Pleasure are filling the building!
We’re doubly fortunate that Steve is writing about this show on the NYFOS Song of the Day blog. From today’s installment:
The opening section [of The Art of Pleasure] is devoted to songs about the seaside and the sweetness of nature during the warm months. For this theme I turned to two Catalan composers, Eduardo Toldrà and Xavier Montsalvatge. Their best songs are beautiful enough to alleviate anxiety and instill optimism. Here’s “Canço amorosa” by Montsalvatge, one of my very favorite pieces of music. The poem describes a boat ride in August. The music manages to plough forward while luxuriating in languor, a perfect seduction out on a moonlit bay.
Performances on May 31 & June 1.
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