On Sale!

Wordle: WTOC 2009 Rep

Tickets on sale tomorrow (3/28) at 10am!

See previous post for rep details.
Start here (Barns) and here (Filene Center) to get tickets.
Write me with questions.

The backlog of work is killing me, in a very unkind and inappropriate way for March. Thoughtful (or what passes for thoughtful) blogging will resume next week with pre-production posts on this summer’s operas. In the meantime, some Friday linkage. (All of which I had hoped to comment on in some detail but had to do triage…)

What’s your superpower? I think I know mine now.

A truly terrific description on the intersection of art and life Beats all of those music-as-medicine prescriptions.

My boss talks about this fabulous stuff we do. Go Terre.

A thoughtful look at the value of a music degree. An unsung perspective.

Just in case our instrument rental budget falls short this summer. :)

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