No, I Will Not Whine


Because this is a complicated business, and that’s a good thing.

Because it rarely helps.

Because I love to solve problems, and having more of them just keeps me out of trouble.

Because this blog isn’t exactly anonymous.

Because what we do is so cool that if there weren’t things to whine about, it would cause a severe cosmic imbalance.

Because It’s Just Opera.*

Le Comte Ory in the Theatre

Tech week going better than it should, actually. Not without its particular challenges, but certainly within an acceptable range. It’s always scary when we put a Rossini-sized orchestra into our tiny pit, and a cast of 8 principals and 16 choristers stretches our onstage and backstage capacity to the max. But with a lot of forethought, a little luck, and a whole pile of goodwill, we seem to be making opera.

Dress rehearsal tonight, then photos for the blog tomorrow! See you then.

*(I have an anesthesiologist friend who loves to volunteer for all things theatrical. He finds it tremendously freeing that if he makes a mistake in the theatre, no one really gets hurt. Next time you freak out about some crazy little thing that happens onstage, remember that. Safety issues aside, it’s true. We care about what we do so deeply that sometimes we forget that It’s Just Opera.)

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