Second Sweeney performance. Matinee. Sunday afternoons are prone to what I call “buffet coma” – all those folks who chow down at the brunch buffet and then come to the theatre to sleep. The cast was understandably optimistic after Friday’s opening, so I tried to damp audience response expectations for this afternoon. I needn’t have done so, for this crowd was rapt and responsive. Great feedback. And if I say so myself (and I don’t do so very often, being a perfectionist), it was a compelling show. Singers really growing into their roles. Just finished an instant message conversation with our production stage manager – she says the cast was really “stoked” after today’s show. I say great, just as long as “stoked” doesn’t turn into “cocky” :)
Steve Blier arrived this evening, and rehearsals are underway for next Saturday’s recital “The Latest Word.” Great material. The best stuff from opera, theatre, and song composers from the last couple of decades. Sondheim is in there, as is Guettel (The Light in the Piazza), Bolcom (The Wedding, View from the Bridge) and many others. Four of our singers (two doing double duty from Sweeney; two others who will go into Giovanni rehearsals next week) perform the songs, Steve presides at the piano and gives us a glimpse into the music with his comments between the songs. A more engaging, brilliant, and discerning colleague you won’t find.
Photo by Carol Pratt
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