Today we enjoyed a lovely lunchtime picnic at the warehouse with the staff of the scenic and costume shops. We noted tons of girl power at play this summer across the intern and seasonal staff positions. Technical Director Tim McCormick says “I just hired the best people, that’s all.” ‘Nuff said.
This afternoon, the Zaide team dove into the first big brainstorming session about the way(s) this piece will end. Lots of questions: Will the Sultan pardon the man who saved his life? Will it be revealed that that man is Zaide and Gomatz’s father? How significantly does the timing of the revelation affect the outcome? How will the audience make its desire known? Will there be a Eurotrash ending with dancing bears, rubber chickens and silly string? (Well, no. We know the answer to that one. The shop staff has already conceived of a Clifford the Big Red Dog ending, and it would take precedence over rubber chickens anyway.)
And, since there are always dozens of things happening at a time around here, Rahree and Artee spent the morning masquerading as visiting VIPs at the Phillips Collection, picking out art for this summer’s Vocal Colors recital series. “Every Friday morning should be spent shopping for Van Goghs and Rothkos,” says Rahree. This year’s music & art programs will include Stieglitz, O’Keeffe, Van Gogh, Mondrian, Klee, Tayo Heuser, Mark Rothko, and William Christenberry.

LISTEN UP! Big doings coming up on this Monday (May 24) at 7:30 EDT. Come back here Monday evening to link to a special internet streaming event – the kickoff for our new Discovery Goes Digital. We’re sending this spring’s performance of Musto’s Bastianello and Bolcom’s Lucrezia out over the web in a special one-time-only event. Performers will be online to text chat with viewers, and you’ll get a chance to experience these two touching and witty operas, both with libretto by the inimitable Mark Campbell.
Have a great weekend!
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