Flying South!

It’s Saturday, and it’s CVG-DFW-IAH day. We’re leaving chilly Cincinnati for toasty Texas, and doing so from an almost completely deserted airport. (We’re 2 for 2 this week, as departure from Dulles on Wednesday was also eerily lonesome.)

Cincinnati was only chilly temperature-wise, for the way that CCM embraces us is always heart-warming. Many thanks to Donna, Robin, Nic, Marie-France and Jill for making us feel welcome! And of course, thanks to all of the wonderful singers we heard (here and elsewhere so far) for filling our days with beautiful music.

If you haven’t had a chance to check out my Huffington Post blog, you might enjoy these two recent posts, both taken directly from the stories our auditioning singers are telling us: So You Want to Be an Opera Singer (scroll down to read the comments, too) and Apples, Boots, Neti Pots, Water Burps & Rocket Surgery.

In addition to 3 days of auditions, Houston will bring us performances of La bohème and L’italiana in Algeri. (Some standard fare to leaven this audition tour’s rep so far, including Anna Bolena, Moby-Dick and The Tempest).  We’re ready for a few days of warm weather, and Lee Anne already has her flip-flops at easy access in her carry-on. Back at you soon!

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