We’re on the radio! This Saturday afternoon at 1pm EDT. Tune in to 90.9 FM or listen live at weta.org.
Last summer we kicked off a new partnership with Classical WETA 90.9 FM, and this weekend, they’re broadcasting our 2015 Marriage of Figaro as part of their Saturday afternoon Classical WETA Opera House. It’s a fabulous new opportunity to show off the work of last year’s artists and to gently remind our fans that the 2016 season is starting SOON!
In less than 2 weeks we kick off with concerts – Reggie and Sarah in a terrific program at Evermay next Friday, and Steve Blier and friends at The Barns on Memorial Day weekend.
And in less than a month, we are in full opera mode with The Rape of Lucretia. Much more to come, as the blog shakes off its drowsy winter nap and bursts with music, energy and excitement. Get ready.
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