Behind the Behind-the-Scenes

Many musicians have seen this meme. And it’s not untrue. But I would posit that there’s another layer beneath the top two.

We haven’t even started staging for our first production, and our season opening recital started rehearsals last night. But even those readers familiar with WTO might be surprised to learn just a sampling of the things that went on in this last week…

Wilhelmina at CTITWStudio Artists woke up at the break of dawn every day to warm up for field trip performances of Listen Wilhelmina! – with beautiful results on the one day that Mother Nature cooperated and frustrating news on every single other day of last week when the rain forest weather pattern forced cancellation. (Good news: You can come to see Wilhelmina in July – with a small person or not!)

Reams on Capitol HillFilene Artist Zoie Reams sang at two events that helped spread awareness of Wolf Trap’s important career development work – once on Capitol Hill (can’t beat that backdrop…) and once for Wolf Trap members at a backstage event.

Performing artists often do this type of quiet work on behalf of the companies for whom they work, and their contribution is truly appreciated.

Lee Anne and Morgan have been cranking through Skype meetings with Seven Deadly Sins director Septime Webre (the 12-hour time difference between here and Hong Kong is now firmly encoded in our brains), and Morgan has been doing site visits for both the opera and our pop-up performances with Halcyon’s By The People.

From The Seven Deadly Sins by Michael Craig-Martin

From The Seven Deadly Sins by Michael Craig-Martin


Seasonal admin staff have been juggling travel and lodging arrangements for the over 100 artist, staff members and apprentices at our doorstep. The iceberg is growing, establishing its foundation for the summer season performances to come! (We’ll ignore Titanic references for this purpose, OK?))

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