Since it’s Lenny’s year, it’s right that I am consoled by his astute observation: “To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time.” The good news? I have those things.
The bad news? I’ve started multiple detailed blog posts about tomorrow night’s Songfest, but none of them made it past draft stage. There was so much to say, but the density and speed of the opera producing life has precluded thoughtful correspondence, and this is what you’re left with.
The short version? This week’s Songfest experience has been about as good as it gets.
Music that continues to inspire and surprise at every turn, that is a heartbreakingly honest and beautiful snapshot of the American experience.
A stage full of phenomenally talented young musicians, lovingly supported by the NOI‘s leadership and a wise Maestro.
A team of singers who have each other’s backs and finish each other’s sentences, and who have gone to the wall with this music and these poems.
And the chance to share if with you – tomorrow night at The Clarice, and later, in the form of a Naxos CD commercial release.
Above: The Ladies of Songfest, photo courtesy Geoff Sheil
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