Opera Stars in the Lone Star

We just finished up three days in Houston. Great colleagues, amazing singing, and absolutely beautiful weather! Day 3 came complete with a fire drill that forced us out into the sunshine for an extra half hour. We didn’t really mind :)  (Photo right above, during the evacuation; and right at bottom, after the two opera ladies climbed up 10 flights of stairs.)

We also spent about 10 hours in the opera house as patrons – two performances of Bohème (one with about 1,500 school children in the seats with us), a dress rehearsal of Volpone (Rice University), and an evening of L’italiana in Algeri.  Our opera-going featured many WTOC alums onstage – Dimitri Pittas (Rodolfo), Heidi Stober (Musetta), Michael Sumuel (Schaunard), Larry Brownlee (Lindoro) and Daniel Belcher (Taddeo) in HGO mainstage performances; Nicholas Masters (Colline) and Andrea Carroll (Musetta) in the Bohème student performance; and Studio alums Calvin Griffin, Allegra de Vita, Freddie Ballentine and Rafael Moras in Volpone.

On to Chicago tomorrow, where we’ll have to hunker down at the hotel after auditions are over each day to start to make sense of what’s emerging as likely repertoire for this summer. I’ll also try to put together a post highlighting some new and unusual arias we’ve heard this fall. Two more flights till home!

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