The Fruits of Incongruity

I’ve always found that putting two dissimilar things side by side clarifies both of them. And looking back, I realize that most of the good ideas I’ve ever had come from tension between things that appear to war with one another.

Since I believe that incongruous juxtaposition is one of the best ways to inspire creativity, I am enjoying this week, in which my evenings are spent watching Wagner’s *Ring (thank you, PBS) and NBC’s The Voice.  The former for obvious reasons. I couldn’t get to New York for the actual Ring cycle, and the chance to see it at home is too good to pass up. The latter… well, you’ll have to go here to find out.

*(The Ring was preceded by Monday night’s broadcast of the Wagner’s Dream documentary about this Ring production by Robert LePage. Fascinating. Informative. Extraordinarily anxiety-provoking. Actually, it made me want to hurl. As a producer, not as an opera lover.)

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