
The Twitterverse is holding an opera plot contest – a re-run of last month’s informal contest, this time with official judging and prizes! To join the fun, start here. If you want to join the fun but you don’t tweet, start here.

The gist of it? Reduce an opera synopsis to 130 characters. Amazing to see what can be done. It may help me swear off deadly dull detailed program synopses forever! And of course, we’re particularly watching for entries for our 2009 trilogy…


You can’t tell those are your BFs? Seriously? Oh no! Don’t do it with the other one! Wait. Maybe you want it like this? Huh?

In the words of the immortal Crosby, Stills and Nash: “Love the One You’re With.”


Mortals, gods and allegory – oh my! Why coming home sometimes makes us wish we traveled more.

Home after 20 years to find a houseful of men after your wife, drunkards & horny teenagers in the yard. Grab that bow and arrow.


Entourage, a la Bohemia. Consumed girl shows up. Momus! I love you! She left. Let’s eat. She coughs. Muff? She croaks.

Seamstress pals around with bohemians in a December-May affair. Receives muff as parting gift.

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