The previously posted Aria Frequency List comprises all of the arias listed by singers heard this year.
The list below represents the opening arias (always singer’s choice) and the follow-up arias requested by the panel. The opening aria is listed first, with the various second choices in the [brackets].
This list is raw data. If you’re looking for any intepretation and/or comparison, go here.
This is a tremendous amount of information that I’ve crunched in a brief time. Please forgive any typos that resulted.
Quel guardo / So anch’io [Ach ich fühl’s, Come now a roundel, Deh vieni (twice), Willow]
Deh vieni non tardar [O luce di quest’anima, What Good Would the Moon Be, Volta la terrea]
Je suis encore tout etourdie [Ach ich fühl’s, Ach ich liebte, I go to Him, Saper vorreste]
Manon’s Gavotte [Ach ich fühl’s, Just Jeanette’s Aria, Ruhe sanft, Willow]
Anne Trulove’s Scene [Doretta, O mio babbino caro, Ach ich fühl’s]
Donde lieta [Ain’t It a Pretty Night, Father I Beg You, Mi tradi]
Emily’s Aria from Our Town [Ah non credea, Norina, Una donna a quidici anni]
Fire Aria [Der Holle Rache, Durch Zärtlichkeit, Tornami]
Juliette’s Waltz [Dearest Mama, Norina, Tornami]
Mi chiamano Mimi [Come scoglio, O sleep, Steal Me]
O wär ich schon [Adieu, But You Do Not Know This Man, S’altro che lagrime]
Quando m’en vo’ [Batti batti, I Go to Him, Silver]
Sempre libera [I Go to Him, Quando rapita in estasi, Silver]
Song to the Moon [Come scoglio, I Want Magic, Porgi amor]
Sul fil d’un soffio etesio [Juliette’s Waltz, Les oiseaux, Scoglio d’immota fronte]
Ach ich liebte [Gothic Cathedral, Son vergin vezzosa]
Ah chi mi dice mai [Marietta, Un ob die Wolke]
Ah fuggi il traditor [Pamina, V’adoro pupille]
Ain’t it a Pretty Night [D’Oreste, Piangeró]
Come in quest’ora bruna [Come scoglio, I’m full of happiness]
Du gai soleil [Deh vieni, Tornami]
Durch Zärtlichkeit [Juliette’s Waltz, Volta la terrea]
Elle a fui [Ach ich fühl’s, Porgi amor]
I Want Magic [Come scoglio, Endless Pleasure]
Il est doux [Come scoglio, Friszka from Csardas]
Je dis [Ach ich fühl’s (twice)]
Jewel Song [Embroidery Aria, Love Me Big]
Lied der Lulu (yes, twice) [Credete al mio dolore, Durch Zärtlichkeit]
O luce di quest’anima [Be Kind and Courteous, Durch Zärtlichkeit]
O quante volte [Du gai soleil, Piangeró]
O zittre nicht [Joy Beyond Measure, Juliette’s Waltz]
Regnava [Je suis encore]
Steal Me [Non disperar, Sempre libera]
Zerbinetta (once complete, once partial) [A vos jeux]
Ach ich fühl’s [Tower Aria]
Bell Song [Prendi]
But You Do Not Know This Man [Quando m’en vo’]
Caro nome [Willow]
Depuis le Jour [Doretta]
Glitter and Be Gay [Fire]
Dearest Mama [Je suis Titani]
Deh per questo istante [Aria from Flight]
Dich theure Halla [Porgi amor]
Doretta [Da tempeste]
Dove sono [I Go to Him]
Es gibt ein Reich [Come scoglio]
Fee Aria from Cendrillon [Comme autrefois]
In uomini [I Go to Him]
Les ouiseaux dans la charmille [Be Kind and Courteous]
Mamelles de Tiresias [Sul fil]
Marie’s Lullaby from Wozzeck [Come scoglio]
Mariettas Lied [Ain’t It a Pretty Night]
Mein Herr Marquis [Quando m’en vo’]
Non mi dir [Csardas]
Nun eilt herbei [I Go to Him]
O quante volte [Ach ich liebte]
Pace pace [Or sai]
Piangeró [Je suis encore]
Pleurez mes yeux [Ernani involami]
Presentation of the Rose [Prendi]
Quando m’en vo’ [O wär ich schon]
Qui la voce [Les oiseaux]
Rita’s Aria from A Wedding [Caro nome]
Silver [Chacun le sait]
Tacea la notte [Porgi amor]
Tower Aria [Non disperar]
Una voce poco fa [Dearest Mama]
Volta la terrea [Torami]
Wo bin ich [Deh vieni]
Zdenka’s Aria [Prendi]
Venti, turbine [Cara sposa, Oberon]
Dove sei [Al lampo dell’armi]
Oberon [Va l’error mio palesa]
Volo pronto [Non so piu]
Composer [Non piu mesta, Non so piu, Per quell’Adon, Voi che sapete]
Parto Parto [Non piu mesta, Things Change Jo, Una voce, Must the Winter]
Smanie implacabili [Nobles seigneurs, Svegliatevi, Winter]
Que fais tu [Non so piu, Smanie, Winter]
Svegliatevi [Nobles seigneurs, Non so piu, Winter]
Must the Winter Come So Soon [Svegliatevi]
Non piu mesta [In uomini, Va]
Seguedilla [Lucretia, Margaret Garner Aria]
Stride la vampa [Dido’s Lament, Habanera]
Va, laisse couler mes larmes [In uomini, Iris Hence Away]
Baba the Turk [Ah mon fils]
Charlotte’s Letter Aria [La tremenda ultrice spada]
Cruda sorte [Voi che sapete]
Deh proteggimi [Dido’s Lament]
Estella’s Aria [Smanie]
Faites-lui mes aveux [Winter]
J’ai perdu mon Eurydice [Svegliatevi]
Lucretia’s Flower Aria [Smanie]
Madame de la Haltiere’s Scene [Va]
Nicklausse’s Violin Aria [Smanie]
Non so piu [Una voce poco fa]
Olga’s Aria [Smanie]
Pauline’s Aria [Spero per voi]
Presti omai [Cruda sorte]
Se Romeo [Iris Hence Away]
There is a Garden [Se Romeo]
Things Change Jo [Voi che sapete]
This Journey [Composer]
Voi che sapete [Composer]
Wie du warst [Voi che sapete]
Che gelida manina [Dies Bildness (twice), I Must With Speed Amuse Her]
Un’aura amorosa [Ecco ridente, Frederick’s Aria from Pirates, Guardian Angel]
Here I Stand [Un’aura, Dies Bildnis]
Lenski’s Aria [Wenn der Freude Tränen fliessen, Salut]
O wie ängstlich [Ah mes amis (twice)]
Si ritrovarla [Au mont Ida, Il mio tesoro]
A te o cara [I’m Like a Bird]
Albert the Good [Si ritrovarla]
Aria from Dona Francisquita [Una furtiva lagrima]
De miei bollenti spiriti [Dies Bildnis]
Pinkerton excerpts [Recondita armonia]
Dentro il mio petto [Jour et nuit]
Dies Bildnis (Una furtiva lagrima]
Durch die Wälder [Fuor del mar]
En fermant les yeux (Dies Bildnis]
Flamand’s Sonnet [Love Sounds th’Alarm]
Grimes’ Soliloquoy [Fuor del mar]
I Must With Speed Amuse Her [Salut]
Il mio tesoro [En fermant les yeux]
It’s About the Way People is Made [Italian Singer]
Je crois entendre [Lonely Town]
L’angue offeso [Vainement]
La paterna mano [Lonely House}
Lamento di Federico [No puede ser]
Lonely House [Una furtiva lagrima]
Una furtiva lagrima [Dies Bildnis]
O amore [A te o cara]
Parmi veder les lagrime [Horch die Lerche]
Quanto è bella (Il mio tesoro]
Questa o quella [Here I Stand]
Recondita armonia [Il mio tesoro]
Salut demeure chaste et pure [De miei bollenti spiriti]
Tarquinius’ Ride [Durch die Wälder]
Count’s aria [Avant de quitter, O du mein holder Abendstern, O Nadir, Onegin’s aria, Pierrot’s Tanzlied (twice)]
Harlekin [Yeletsky]
Pierrot’s Tanzlied [Ah per sempre, Largo, Rivolgete, Schaunard]
Ah, per sempre [Count’s aria (twice), Come Paride vezzoso]
Bella siccome un angelo (Count’s aria, Papageno Suicide (twice)]
Rivolgete [I’ll Be There (Grapes of Wrath), See the Raging Flames, Silvio)
Avant de quitter ces lieux [Count’s aria, Der Vogelfänger bin ich]
Donne mie [Ah per sempre, Maxim’s]
Carlo, ascolta / Io morró [Count’s aria, Rivolgete]
Largo [Deh vieni alla finestra, There Was a Knight]
Onegin’s aria [Count’s aria, Mab]
Papageno’s suicide scene [Bella siccome un angelo, Tickling a Trout]
Per me giunto [Tarquinius]
Vision fugitive [Se vuol ballare, Hal’s Memory (Plump Jack)]
Yeletsky’s aria [Leonor viens, Papageno’s Suicide]
Comme une pale fleur [Masetto]
Cortigianni [Pierrot’s Tanzlied]
Credo [Count]
Der Vogelfänger bin ich [Abendstern]
Mab [Pierrot’s Tanzlied]
Oh, Nadir [Count]
Questo amor [Donne mie]
Ragged Man’s aria (Grapes of Wrath) [Mab]
Schaunard’s scene [Papageno’s Suicide]
Se vuol ballare [Tarquinius]
Sibillar [Silvio]
So Dies My Paris Dream (The Tsar Has His Photograph Taken) [Silvio]
Tarquinius’ aria [Deh vieni alla finestra]
Toreador [Mein Vater (Amfortas)]
Madamina [Abendstern, Leave Me Loathsome Light, See the Raging Flames]
Il lacerato spirito [Vecchia zimarra]
In diesen heligen Hallen [I’m a Lonely Man, Vecchia zimarra]
O Isis und Osiris [Non piu andrai, Sorge infausta]
Se vuol ballare [King Rene’s Prayer, Papageno Suicide]
Vi ravviso [See the Raging Flames, Sorge infausta]
Abendlich strahlt [Epouse quelque brave fille]
Aprite un po’ [Abendstern]
Come dal ciel [Mefistophele Serenade]
Gremin’s Aria [Se vuol ballare]
Hear Me O Lord [Donne mie]
La calunnia [Il lacerato spirito]
La vendetta [In diesen heiligen Hallen]
Mephistofele Serenade [Sorge infausta]
More Sweet is That Name [I miei rampolli femminini]
O Beauty [Gremin]
O du mein holder Abendstern [Sorge infausta]
O wie will ich triumphieren [Piff Paff]
See the Raging Flames Arive [Masetto]
Sibillar gli angui d ‘Aletto [Quand la flame]
Water Gnome Aria [Mephistofele Serenade]
Wie schön is doch die Musik [Sorge infausta]
It seems,judging on repertoire, that about 98% of the soprano and, especially, mezzo — are light lyric voices.Is it a general tendency for certain YAP age group or the “earlier resume development” which made you to grant an audition for certain type of voice?(I apologise for a poor English).
I find several sites on Auditions, hope everybody like me having the dream of being a star on day can get some useful information in that. Here is the list:
1. Auditions
2. Auditions
3. Auditions