Dido and Aeneas
The Barns at Wolf Trap
- Dido - Carolyn James, soprano
- Second Woman and First Witch - Audrey Luna, soprano
- Belinda - Heidi Murphy, soprano
- Sorceress - Denyce Graves-Montgomery, mezzo soprano
- Second Witch and Spirit - Tichina Vaughn, mezzo soprano
- Sailor - Michael Forest, tenor
- Aeneas - Motti Kaston, baritone
Conductor – Paul Echols
Director – Daniel West
Scenic Design – Allen Moyer
Costume Design – Catherine Adair
Lighting Design – Nancy Schertler
Wigs & Makeup – Elsen Assoc
Choreographer– Daniel West
Stage Management – Randy Carswell, PSM; Jan Sitnik, SM